Sunday, October 30, 2011

A good book and a cup of tea

Tonight I decided to take someone’s advice and put away my phone and laptop and do something for myself.

I made a cup of tea, curled up in the huge chair in our living room and I read a book.  A whole book. It was amazing! I used to do that at least every other week, I don’t think I’ve sat down and just read a  book in over three years. Everyone is asleep so the house is completely silent; a rare thing for this household :)

I would highly recommend trying this to anyone feeling stressed, I’m thrilled to pieces right now :) Though I have to say, it’s very strange not to have my phone going off constantly and millions of emails coming in. I think I like it….

1 comment:

  1. hey brittany! I love this post, so true its amazing the kind of therapy a good book and a cup of tea can be sometimes lol! love you!

    <3 Katelyn
