Thursday, November 17, 2011

In one moment it can all disappear

Never let a day go by that you don't tell your family that you love them, you never know when it might be your last chance.

This past Sunday evening both of my sisters were in a serious car accident. Based on the condition of the car, it's a miracle that they survived.

Stephanie has a severe concussion and multiple fractures in various different bones. Beck has a concussion as well and will be in a neck brace for a few weeks. But both are alive :) Steph's memory has much improved though both girls are still a little out of it. Beck has told me 15 times in the past 24 hours that someone has brought them  flowers. She gets a disgruntled expression whenever I laugh and thank her for that new piece of information.

I'm sitting here watching them both color pictures of Disney princesses because that is all they can do. Because of the severity of their concussions neither are allowed to watch movies, read or do anything that requires any concentration.

As I'm watching them poke each other with their crutches I'm reminded of how lucky I am to have them in the first place. Their senses of humor despite their circumstances are so much fun. Steph's been laughing at Beck as she attempts to navigate stairs while wearing a neck brace while Beck is laughing at Steph as she wobbles around on crutches.

I love these girls so much! I have no idea what I would do without them. The scariest moment was when I realized that they both could have died. The realization that I could have been the only sister left is enough to make me tear up despite where I am and what I'm in the middle of doing.

My sisters are my partners in crime, my support system and my best friends. They always have my back and are always there when I need them.

Today when I was crawling through the totaled car, getting the last of their things, I was reminded of how close I was to losing them. The crumpled car, the piles of shattered glass and the tire marks in the grass where the car landed are enough to make anyone cringe. As a direct result, I have renewed my desire to kill them for nearly giving me a heart attack once they have fully recovered :)

I love my sisters :)

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