Sunday, October 30, 2011

A good book and a cup of tea

Tonight I decided to take someone’s advice and put away my phone and laptop and do something for myself.

I made a cup of tea, curled up in the huge chair in our living room and I read a book.  A whole book. It was amazing! I used to do that at least every other week, I don’t think I’ve sat down and just read a  book in over three years. Everyone is asleep so the house is completely silent; a rare thing for this household :)

I would highly recommend trying this to anyone feeling stressed, I’m thrilled to pieces right now :) Though I have to say, it’s very strange not to have my phone going off constantly and millions of emails coming in. I think I like it….

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The joys of boys who try to cook

Yesterday I took on an extra article when the boys in the dorm across the parking lot decided to attempt to deep fry Kit-Kat bars and Oreos. Flaming cabinets, massive clouds of smoke, two fire extinguishers and 11 emergency vehicles later, I had a brand new article to write :) Thankfully this particular article was massively entertaining. After spotting the smoke and flashing lights from my dorm room, I shoved a camera in my roommate's hands and dragged out into the night to help me cover the story. I may have run into our dorm room door somewhere in that process, but we'll not go into that :) There's nothing quite like interviewing a dorm of coughing guys who are torn between roaring with laughter and wanting to murder the culprit.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The beginning....

I have always meant to write a blog, it's always been on my bucket list. Where did that term start? Anyhow, I've just never actually gotten around to it. As I was going about my everyday life this week I realized just how much I have to write about.

As a journalist, I am asked to cover a wide variety of topics. My most recent article has been one on Spirit Week, Liberty's newest tradition. The day I chose to conduct interviews for this article happened to be the "student's choice" day for the week, the students voted and chose Superhero Day. So, I spent this particular day running, in heels, after students dressed like superheroes.

The exact moment that I decided to start a blog I was running full speed down a hall after a student who was dressed in a full Batman costume. At the same time I was talking on the phone with a dear friend who was trying to get directions to my school. As I slowly began to gain on Batman I hung up on my friend after saying "I'll call you back, I've almost caught Batman." As soon as I clicked my phone shut I realized how utterly ridiculous that must have sounded to him. When I called him back a few minutes later to resume giving directions he never once asked me what I had meant. This lead me to the amusing realization that my friends just expect me to say things that they would probably never hear from anyone else.

This is mainly for my own entertainment, though if it entertains others I won't complain :)

And maybe someday I'll figure out how to make this look cute, rather than just having a boring background :)