Thursday, January 24, 2013

Combining college and life after

You'd think that after so many moves I'd come to terms with the fact that everything will either be packed or unfindable. Yet here I sit, determined to reduce the chaos caused by random house showings.

There are at least 5 storage bins under my bed, none of my drawers open because of the massive amount of clothes thrown in, my trash can holds a portion of my CD collection and is shoved in the back of my closet, you don't even want to know what the tv cabinet contains. Definitely not a tv. 

As I was sitting here, trying to determine when I began to accumulate so much stuff, it hit me. College. I've been graduated for nine months now and I still have not fully unpacked. The fact that I came down with mono the week I graduated can partially be blamed, but mostly I just don't want to deal with the headache of sorting through the stuff from my other home. 

Seriously, who wants to deal with the thousands of nail polish bottles that were bought during times of stress, the raingear that was used on a weekly basis in Drenchburg but hasn't been used since and the stack of falling apart textbooks that may never be used again but have earned a place of respect? 

Plus, you can't just pack away something that changed your life so much. If I'm going to spend the next 85 years paying back my student loans, I want to remember all the interesting things that happened over those years. 

The racing from class to class, helping freshmen get settled and find their way, and the people that you smile at in recognition as you pass them every day even though you don't know their names. The massive quantities of coffee that were consumed, the nights studying and the inevitable laptop crash that occurred nearly every single finals week.

I have coffee, Def Leppard, Guns N Roses, Bon Jovi and several others are keeping me company and it's 23 degrees outside so I won't be tempted to go anywhere anytime soon. 

I will organize this stuff or die in the process, it could go either way at this point :) 

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