Monday, April 30, 2012


As I was sitting in the clab this evening, I realized that I don't have very many more nights that I'll be studying in a place like that.

I know I posted a list in my last post, but here's another one :)

Why I love the clab....
1. The wide diversity of the people in the clab. In less than a minute, I spotted people from India, Asia, Puerto Rico, Africa, Canada, Mexico and, of course, the States.
2. The shark-like movements of students as they circle the computers, looking for an open one.
3. The rush for an open couch when someone leaves.
4. The random guy wandering around, clicking off the number of students in the clab. I've always wondered what they do with those numbers...
5. The 3339 Coms Family, y'all know who you are :)
6. The one awkward couple that is clearly beyond twitterpated and well on their way to a ring by spring type of relationship.
7. The fact that there is a social and a study atmosphere at the same time.
8. Swiping your card at midnight, sounds nerdy but it's a fun to see everyone wandering in the direction of the front desk.
9. The vending machine that's never run out for as long as I've been here.
10. That moment when the lights go out as they start to close down for the night.
11. Seeing random friends throughout the night.
12. The random kid that's unconscious on the floor, papers floating all over the place.

I will definitely be missing the clab, nerdy as that may be :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Things I have never understood about Liberty

I really do love this school....though some things about it never fail to floor me :)

1. The concept behind putting three girls in one small room
2. Does Roccotown still exist now that he's moved on?
3. The copper dome that was put on the Welcome Center even though it turned dull before it was finished being built. Why it has taken so long to build it anyways??
4. My email's inability to remain any less than 90 percent full
5. The lights on the intramural field being turned off at 11 p.m.
6. The term "Worship Major" ....what does one do with this major after leaving Liberty? And why do they all look alike?
7. The placement of the electrical outlets in the dorm rooms, all on one side of the room, the side without the sink and mirror
8. How high up the paper towel dispensers are in the girls bathroom, it's impossible to reach the lever without water running down your arm and into your sleeve
9. People who socialize in the stairways going up from the Vines as soon as convo ends rather than staying in their seats
10. Why isn't there ever an 11 in Christmas Convo's 12 Days of Christmas?
11. The ballroom/grand lobby...that place gets weirder the longer you look at it. Ever looked closely at the chandelier?
12. Leggings being worn instead of pants
13. Cardigans
14. FACS majors
15. Phone calls from Liberty departments in the middle of convo *cough*Student Advocate Office*cough*
16. Longboarders
17. DeMoss classroom numbers
18. Parents who attend freshman orientation
19. Proposals at the monogram
20. LU's attempt to not be known as LU after the creation of the "theme song"
21. The thousands of red towels that are now floating around with no real purpose
22. Hall meeting and then sending all the information out in an email
23. How CFAW always manages to land on the week before major exams
24. The massively huge glasses everyone deems "cool" despite the fact that they were considered horrifically nerdy 10 years ago
25. The water temperature in Dorm 33
26. Towns Auditorium is not the same as the Religion Hall
27. The fourth floor of will always remain a mystery, a confusing place even with it open
28. The constant heat on the third floor
29. Campus North/Green Hall/ Huge building that keeps growing
30. The bus system, clockwise and counterclockwise, I mean really...who's going to remember that?