Wednesday, December 21, 2011

142 days till everything changes

Graduation. The one word strong enough to give nearly any senior a rush of stress and panic.

I was just sitting here, trying to figure out what in the world I'm going to do with myself in five months. In that short amount of time I will be a 22 year old graduate holding a degree in journalism with, as of right now, zero clue what to do with my life.

And then it hit me, all those times when I was a kid, sitting in my room and wishing that I could go anywhere and do anything...I have almost reached that point. Granted I will have a ton of loans to pay off and need to figure out some way to support myself. But in five months I will be handed the opportunity to do anything, go anywhere and try whatever I want to try.

I can apply for any job I want to apply for, within reason of course. While I may not get the job I want, there are a million other opportunities out there, even though the economy is bad. Wherever I end up will be an adventure and a chance to learn more about something I may not have understood before. (Note: please remind me of this if I wind up cleaning tables in a restaurant with my diploma)

For the first time, I can truly say that I am excited to graduate :)

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