Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Of Chaos and Ants

Some days are more chaotic than others, you can have a day which is relaxing, happy and carefree and then 24 hours later you're sitting at your kitchen table, surrounded by bills, taxes and a not so potty trained puppy while eating ants. Today was an ant eating day.

A few weeks ago we began renting a house, we moved in and discovered that there were some ants, the landlord sent out an exterminator and they began to die. All was well. More on the ants to come.

The week after we moved in, my sister rescued a puppy, he was only 9 weeks old, adorable and the scraggliest little thing I ever saw. He had been relocated from a high kill shelter here in Virginia up to New Jersey, so it was quite the little trip to bring him home. On the trip to pick him up, we learned that there are tolls that cost $8 on 95 and there are tolls that don't accept money but instead give you a ticket to take to the next toll. Also, it's illegal to pump your own gas in some states, I'm pretty sure Steph and I looked like owls when a random man came up to the window when we pulled up. In addition to the odd gas station situation, New Jersey is home to the "Blueberry Capitol of the World" and it's not a joke. Blueberry bushes or trees or whatever it is blueberries grow on, everywhere. And zero road maintenance. So there we were, lost in a world of blueberry bushes, with no cell service, massive holes in the road and roads named things like "Grape Lane." If you're ever bored, I highly recommend a trip to New Jersey.

Potty training a puppy, not so bad in theory, 12 accidents later reality hits. 25 accidents, the urge to throttle said puppy becomes stronger. It's a really good thing that he's cute.

Today I settled in to get organized, paperwork from the move, finishing up the apartment stuff, job hunting, drowning in misery over taxes, paying bills and other fun chores. About halfway through I got caught up and forgot to take Xander out, two accidents later I remembered that he needed to go out regularly. My bad, poor little guy. Then I realized that I had forgotten to eat all day, so I wandered into the kitchen to find food. I popped something into the microwave because, let's be fully honest here, that's about the extent of my cooking skills, and grabbed a bowl of cereal to eat while waiting. Halfway through the bowl I realized that the little black pieces were not actually part of the cereal but were, in fact, dead ants. Apparently when they invaded a few weeks ago they had made their way into the box of cereal and then had passed on after eating their fill of sugary goodness. In my distracted state I had consumed a decent amount of the deceased insects.

Moral of this story: Bills and taxes are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

If I die from eating poisoned ants, I'd like that left off of my tombstone.

Baby Xander's first day

The newest addition to our family